【12c OCM直考亚太地区首场考试Hands on全程解析@海量数据学院】 崔旭老师提醒大家,参加12c OCM两天直考的考试圆满结束后,请大家不要忘了到VUE网站 (www.pearsonvue.com/oracle) 进行Hands on操作,只有完成Hands on操作以后,OU才会进行判卷!Keep Walking Together! http://v.qq.com/boke/page/l/0/9/l0307yzgd09.html … [Read more...]
【12c OCM直考亚太地区首场考试经验分享(2016.5.30)-崔旭】

1. 直击亚太地区首场12c OCM两天直考考试 2016年5月30日,一个既平凡又特殊的日子,说它平凡是因为大家又开启了崭新的一周,而说它特殊是因为我既参加首场12c OCM升级考试以后,又有幸参加了首场(至少是亚太地区)12c OCM两天直考考试。对于一个已经有10g 11g 12c OCM证书的人来说,能够再次参加这次考试,唯有出于情怀可以作为动机的了。确实,OCM对我来说是追逐,是工作,更是一生追求的情怀!同时,在这里可以结交很多志同道合的朋友。 2. 如何参加12c OCM直考考试 技术日新月异,大家也应该紧跟技术发展的步伐,保持与时俱进。 如果有计划参加12c OCM直考考试,可以有如下方法: 参加考试前,已经获得Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional 认证。 参加考试前,已经获得Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified … [Read more...]
【Q&A】12C OCP 1z0-060 QUESTION 2: Redefining a table with Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies
QUESTION 2 Examine the following commands for redefining a table with Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies: [cce] BEGIN DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY( object_schema => 'hr', object_name => 'employees', policy_name => 'employees_policy', function_schema => 'hr', policy_function => 'auth_emp_dep_100', statement_types => 'select,insert,update,delete', ); END; BEGIN DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE( uname => 'hr', orig_table => 'employees', int_table => 'employees_policy', col_mapping => NULL, options_flag => DBMS_REDEFINITION.CONS_USE_PK, orderby_cols => NULL, part_name => NULL, copy_vpd_opt => DBMS_REDEFINITION.CONS_VPD_AUTO); END; [/cce] Which two statements are true about redefining the table? A. All the triggers for the table are disabled without changing any of the column names or column types in the table. B. The primary key constraint on the EMPLOYEES table is disabled during redefinition. C. VPD policies are … [Read more...]
1.shell脚本:startrman.sh #!/bin/bash # Created date: 2006-04-21 12:00 # Author : dbstyle # Name : startrman.sh # Description: # Backup database by rman # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) # dbstyle 04-21-2006 create script #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Environment variable setting #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . /opt/oracle/.profile SH_HOME=/opt/oracle/dbmon/dbstyle/rmanbak export SH_HOME RM_COMMAND=/bin/rm MAIL_COMMAND=/bin/mail DBA="dbstyle@gmail.com" DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d"` week=`date +"%w"` #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #Confirm whether the oracle is runing #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sqlplus -s "/as sysdba"<<EOF whenever sqlerror exit 1 whenever oserror exit 1 select sysdate from dual; exit EOF if [ $? … [Read more...]
Rem Created date: 2006-04-21 12:00 Rem Author : dbstyle Rem Name : datafile.sql Rem Description: Rem this script is used to get datafile information that used exceed 95%. Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem dbstyle 04-21-2006 create script set pagesize 999 col file_name format a40 col tablespace_name format a10 select df.file_name,df.tablespace_name,df.bytes/1024/1024 size_M from dba_data_files df, (select a.tablespace_name tsname, round(a.bytes,2) Total_Mb, round(b.bytes,2) Free_Mb, round(a.MAXsize,2) MAXSIZE_Gb, (1 - (b.bytes/a.bytes))*100 Pct_used from ( select tablespace_name,sum(MAXBYTES/1024/1024/1024) MAXsize,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 bytes from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name ) a, ( select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 bytes from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name ) b where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and (1 - (b.bytes/a.bytes))*100>95) tn where tn.tsname=df.tablespace_name order by df.file_name; … [Read more...]
【11g OCM】《时光如水,岁月如歌 -- 暨11gOCM奋斗的峥嵘岁月》,以此庆祝11g OCM直考喜赢满堂彩
【OCM】Exam Souvenir 20150112

2015年的首场10g OCM考试如期而至,恩墨学院的弟兄们从来不会缺席。加油! … [Read more...]
【Installation】ORACLE10gR2 HA on Solaris10_SunT5140 Installation Guide
本文章以图文并茂的方式,详细介绍了在Solaris10 HA环境中部署Oracle10gR2,以实现Oracle10gR2双机热备的过程。 由于篇幅过多,此处仅列出文章目录,详细内容以PDF的方式提供给大家。 请尊重作者的劳动,如有转载请注明出处,如有不足之处,还望指正,谢谢! 目 录 1 环境介绍.............................................................................. 5 1.1 硬件........................................................................ 5 1.2 软件........................................................................ 5 2 任务列表.............................................................................. 6 3 规划阶段.............................................................................. 7 3.1 需要提前申请的内容................................................... 7 3.2 … [Read more...]
【OCM】Exam Souvenir 20141229

【2014.12.29 恩墨学员10g OCM考场合影】2014年的最后一场考试,毫无悬念的结束了。追忆2014年OCM考试的点点滴滴,有辅导考试通过的喜悦,有考取11g OCM的汗水,更有成功后收获的喜悦。每一场OCM考试,就如一场恶战,让人窒息,让人望而却步。但恩墨学院总有这样一批人,他们不畏艰辛,乘风破浪,勇往直前,一次一次的战胜着眼前的险阻,让我不由得敬佩大家。究竟是大家的顽强品质,铸造了恩墨学院的铮铮铁骨;还是恩墨学院不拘一格的特质,感染了每一位置身其中的勇士。这确实无法完美的诠释,但我唯一肯定的是在这种相互交融的完美契合下,置身其中者必然超乎常人无与伦比。也许这就是恩墨学院精神,凭借这股精神力量,蒸蒸日上的恩墨学院在2015年更加令我期待。 ----心境随笔,写自2014年末。 … [Read more...]
【SKILL】Camtasia 2 For Mac Repeat Trial
1. Open Terminal 2. Input The Following Command: [cce]defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE[/cce] 3. Input This Command After [cce]killall Finder[/cce] 4. Open Finder 5. Press The Combination [cce]Command+Shift+G [/cce]To Open [cce]~/Library[/cce] 6. Open [cce]~/Library/Application Support[/cce] 7. Find The Hidden File [cce]~/Library/Application Support/.settings[/cce] *Hidden Files Are Slightly More Transparent* 8. Move File To Trash 9. Reopen Terminal 10. Input The Following Command: [cce]defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE[/cce] 11. Input The Following Command: [cce]killall Finder[/cce] 12. Open Camtasia 2 And Use As You Like :) *Use the activation code reset to add 15 days* *Whenever your trial runs out Repeat the 12 steps. And Thats's All There Is To It! … [Read more...]