【故障背景】 有位老铁,在物理机上面,新添加了一块硬盘,作为扩容使用。 重启操作系统后,就出现如下不断滚动的大量报错。 [cce] udev still not settled. Waiting. udevadm settle - timeout of 0 seconds reached, the event queue contains: /sys/module/scsi_wait_scan (25309) /sys/module/scsi_wait_scan (25310) udev still not settled. Waiting. udevadm settle - timeout of 0 seconds reached, the event queue contains: /sys/module/scsi_wait_scan (25311) /sys/module/scsi_wait_scan (25312) udev still not settled. Waiting. udevadm settle - timeout of 0 seconds reached, the event queue contains: /sys/module/scsi_wait_scan (25313) /sys/module/scsi_wait_scan (25314) udev still not settled. Waiting.[ OK ] [/cce] 当时的截图如下: 【解放方法】 使用操作系统光盘,进入恢复模式,修改udev文件 udev文件一般在 /etc/udev/rules.d/目录中 … [Read more...]